Suggested Reading

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline and Oral Surgery. 4th Edition. Reiter and Gracis. 2018. Ideal book for first opinion practices currently.

BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging. Harcourt-Brown and Chitty. Reprint 2016

Veterinary Dentistry for the General Practitioner. 2nd Edition. Gorrel. 2013

Veterinary Dentistry for the Nurse and Technician. Gorrel and Derbyshire. 2005

Wiggs Veterinary Dentistry . 2nd Edition. Lobprise. 2019

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats. 2nd Edition Verstraete and Lommer. 2019

Practical Veterinary Dental Radiology. Niemiec, Jekl and Gawor.

CTC Press 2017. The WSAVA has published a 161 page document which is almost a free Veterinary Dentistry textbook. It gives the first opinion practitioner an overview of what is expected to be known and being capable of performing.                                  lines

Human Textbooks

Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp. 11th Edition. 2015